Friday, August 17, 2012

Positive Attracting Positive
The law of attraction says that like attracts like, and when you think and feel what you want to attract on the inside, the law will use people, circumstances and events to magnetize what you want. -Ronda Byrne

How true is the above quote by Ronda. Many a times I have experienced this. When there is a lot of positivity with in even in trying times, the environment responds to you back with positivity. Try it out yourself to believe.

It is always believed that one’s power is one’s thoughts . The world you create is the manifestation of your thoughts within.
When one thinks positive thoughts, one  manifests positive people and circumstances. Like attracts like, and it is our outlook and attitude that determines who and what one  draws into  life. By maintaining a positive mind-set and holding on to that state of mind, one is  cultivating a point of view through  which one discovers goodness. The people one encounters can sense this and will be unconsciously attracted to one’s happiness and optimism. 
Energy is what surrounds us every time. When one is a source of positive energy , you'll attract people with a similar energy to you and find that every circumstance in your life is its own kind of blessing. As you move through the day, others will likely respond positively to your kindness and confidence. Their pleasant reaction could generate an overall feeling of optimism between you and them. 
You may realize that your positive thoughts have the power to influence others and attract blessings into your life.
 Stay positive and bring more blessings to your life...

Watch out for more in my next blog..

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