Saturday, January 18, 2014

@ Positivity at work... And the feedback one shares with the other while communicating matters :the Ways and the Hows of saying matters...!

@ Positivity at work...
Having conversations is a good idea to connect. And the feedback one shares with the other while communicating should be directional and constructive. The way we say and how we say matters...!

Rina was distressed..While interacting she broke down a few time unable to contain her tears...tears of humiliation..And she shared that it was a normal interaction with her manager at work..The manager Mohan had been very rude and insensitive ..not even wiling to listen to what she had to share her say..
Mohan had called for a meeting of her team along with her set of reportees..
His words were: You don't have a sense of Business Rina...What have you been doing till date..Why should I have you in the team!! Do one thing , relook at the plans,at the goals and talk to me. I want to see you do that. Rina was aghast at this sudden spurt of observations and allegations and before she could share her perspective, there came another directive from him...Better go and learn something from others in your team..Why are you standing here ..Go get going!!!
 Rina was dumb, numbed by this sudden spat of words...
And in the afternoon while Mohan was having tea with one of DRs shared that : I think Rina will be a very good performer, she will scale up even more..I have shared with her what she can do further to enhance her performance to the next level..she is a HIPO performer no doubt....
After two weeks , Mohan is now aghast. There was a mail from Rina..The mail read: Thank you for the opportunity given to be associated with the esteemed  organization. I would want to be relieved form my responsibilities and please consider 21st Jan as my last day of work....
 This is a typical case in example where the intent of communication and the  manner in which it is communicated. 
Feedback matters!! In the above context we find that Mohan had hos best intention to motivate Rina ..but somewhere that was snot communicated properly.. 
Feedback sharing is an art and every Manager in the organization must be well equipped with this..As it is correctly said employees do not ;eave organizations..the leave because of managers...
Here is my Take :
A good and effective Feedback is to be the is a balanced one with both dimensions of being positive and constructive..
And the way we say and how we say matters..
Context : Setting the context of the communication is always beneficial for both the employee and the manager. It also means that there some preparation by both the parties to make it more effective fruitful.
Respect : a feedback i a feedback is a feedback. Respect matters!!! No one has the right to hurt the other person : be it the manager or the reportee.
The Emotional Frame : Emotions play a very integral part in nay communication event. Our responses are based on the way we perceive the events around and that includes the way in which the feedback is conveyed by the manager/sender of the message. One needs to be careful about the tone and the  non verbal dimensions of oneself while communicating. In the above example, the Manager should have been cautious not to spill acid in his communication before the entire team which had the reportees of Rina as well!! A Manager is a role model for his/her team!!! Mohan should have motivated Rina and her team and should have shown the path to accomplish what he desired and not pull down Rina..
Words are the guiding path : Choose your words matters!! Rina was feeling miserable post the conversation with Mohan. Mohan had blown away herself image, had destroyed her self esteem ...It was a very experience for Rina as herself worth was undervalued!!! Be clear on what you say.
Redirection : As a manager I need to redirect . Redirection means
Both AHA and You could do better approach to be adopted : it is always highlighted, first appreciate and then move to the areas of development. Effective feedback is one which is directional and motivates you to move a head and not one to give  a heartbreak!!! Patience matters

Last but not the least : Feed is always One to One 

What is your take on this..write back to me

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