Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Mornings : Self Management is the key to further development

Mornings matter the most to me...How I begin my mornings decides my day..Mornings are a time and space in life when the hurricanes of tasks are not allowed to enter...It is MY time to pause and reflect..
The rising sun, the chirruping birds make it so beautiful..

At times to maintain that blessedness as the day passes is difficult but not impossible. It is my core belief that the state of my mind is reflective of my thoughts and gets articulated through my actions..Being with with L & D, I align my approach  through my CHINTAN series..
My Day begins with CHINTAN : Self Management is the key to further development

Self Management is really life management, is learning how to accept total RESPONSIBILITY for our self, have healthy RELATIONSHIPS, play the right ROLE and use the RESOURCES we have in the most effective ways.
Responsibility - No person or situation is responsible for our happiness; we are the creator of ALL our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Relationships - It's not what others say that hurts us, it's what we do - with what they say that hurts us, let’s stop emotionally abusing ourselves.
Roles - We are the creators of every scene in our life and hence have the power to play the right role, in the right scene, in the right way, at the right time.
Resources - How we use our resources - physical, mental and spiritual.

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