Sunday, March 23, 2014

Coaching and Organizations

Coaching and Organizations
The other day my friend Nisha asked me: Hey do you still feel   Coaching is an enhancer to the OD processes run in organizations. What do you think could be the attributes of the success factor ? Is there any workable framework or a model that works..
This set me thinking... Coaching as a process ,we have read has been an enabler to performance and processes... Development is fundamental to the survival of both the individual. All individuals need to adapt to the rapidly changing, and increasingly complex world in which we live – whether they adapt by opting out or by embracing newness. Development is defined as: A continuous process of growing and learning; by developing, we continuously become more than we were.
No doubt theorists have been vouching that it is a great performance enabler tool and  a process...But of one were to look form an organizational perspective s the success rate has not been very encouraging..
Most of the organizations have introduced coaching as a process where the Senior Management /Leadership team is exposed to the coaching climate and also has the opportunity to engage with an external coach. There is no denying of the factor that this does enhance/enable their development.
But when it comes to applying these same art Workplace for the teams or to make it applicable to the middle management , this has not found very positive success stories..
With organizations becoming more flat, focus is more on leveraging the senior leadership to hand hold and be a partner on progress to build the capability of the next level . Today’s the focus is more on people  management skills a s a key factor to be  a successful people leader. And Coaching for sure plays a major crucial role in this developmental tool kit for organizations. now with so much of emphasis on the 70:20:10 model of holistic learning ad development, if the organizations could leverage the senior leadership presence to build in a climate of coaching by developing more internal caches, then it is an effective way to further the climate of developing environment.

The process could be manifold in terms of building awareness about coaching for the people managers, creating a pool of internal coaches by both experience sharing, reflection and integration of the same with the pool.
Also ,the internal coaches are encouraged to work with a coachee [ who could be  hipo] and the through the coaching sessions the performance of the coachee  could be measured. Integration of the learning platforms like class room sessions, pre and post work knowledge enhancement though e-learning/book reading/discussion forums; building in communities of practice, leveraging social media to connect with leaders across the organizations etc are some of the ways to enhance the building of internal coaches pool.
Training leaders to be internal coaches is a more scalable, sustainable and robust approach to driving organizational change. By utilizing internal coaches , the organization is  potentially increasing people’s overall performance through harnessing the connections across this system.

This is a very well received process ,as it has several advantages like:
  •     This process is consistent
  •      Integration of  systems and processes are well aligned
  •      There is more focus on developing the talent from within organization
  •      It is a great intervention to be worked with the talent pool
  •     The process also helps in creating self awareness, understanding of the environment, work on the enhancers , scale up skills, look at change drivers /triggers  etc.
  •      It becomes more holistic to be integrated with 70:20:10 approach[refer my previous blog on this ]
  •     It lifts performance as it is a consistent approach unlike hiring external coaches only 

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