Saturday, December 4, 2021

After a long Hiatus...#WFH The New Change

 After a  very long hiatus , I sit to scribble  a few random thoughts..The pandemic went by or it’s still going on ? Time flew and I am still lingering in my thoughts… The working environment has undergone a sea change so also has the human connections at workplaces. Faces that seemed familiar are now masked and  covered. A smile that greeted me in the office , a warm handshake that welcomed  me to office is now a distant dream…Smiles are all lost beneath the covered faces and handshakes are the most threatening a weapon now..I see many empty chairs and workstations as one slowly rejoins the office workplace. Some have already bid adieu to be in the other world and I have some new faces for companion ..

Suddenly there is an urgent meeting to discuss and decide about new policies at Workplace..

2020 has brought in massive the digital transformation  in terms of shifting the workplace from office to home spaces..The great Working From Home experiment has now resulted in making many organizations to permanently follow this norm of Remote work / Work From Home.

The main challenges are abound now specially maintaining the ecosystem  of creating workplace in home space , integrating the professional and personal life without overstepping each of the boundaries.

With such a complex system of having processes and policies in place while taking into account the human productivity, level of motivation vs targets achievement and the deliverables , it is a phenomenal task to create an atmosphere of balance amongst all the forces at work. Key challenges concerning health and mental well being, skill updation, data protection and privacy, technology etc have been creating a great havoc in our minds.

While developing and creating WFH policies the following pointers could add value :

1.    1. Defining the scope and the need for WFH policy
2.Eligibility criteria of the workforce
3.Streamlining  of the Channels of Communication
4.Maintaining the Security Standards
5.Defining the regular SOPs
6.The Code of Conduct including the dress code
7.Clear and well defined work hours according to the geographical locations
8.Evaluation of Approval Process
9.Directions to the managers regarding conduct of the team meetings
10. Equipment and technological support 


At the end of the day it’s  we human beings who make a difference to our lives and others around us. Nothing can replace the physical spaces  at workplace where we  would share our thoughts /vent out our inner most urges /smile, cry, shout or simply drown in laughter in those small tea breaks and those in those Chai Samosa team meetings..

Let me welcome all to the  NEW WORKPLACE..

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